Animal Welfare Expert Featured on CBC Radio, Prof Makes Headlines

August 12, 2013 - In the News

Tina Widowski, an Animal and Poultry Science professor and director of Guelph’s Centre for the Study of Animal Welfare, appeared on CBC radio Tuesday. She participated in a special show on factory-farmed meat that also includes renowned animal scientist, author and autism spokesperson Temple Grandin.

The episode is part of a new CBC radio program Tooth & Claw, which explores the relationship between humans and animals (both domestic and wild) and covers a wide range of topics. Past shows have examined the human animal bound, species extinction, hunting and animal rights.

The segment featuring Widowski will air again on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. It will also be posted on the show’s website and available on podcast on iTunes.

Widoswki also holds the Col. K. L. Campbell University Chair in Animal Welfare and the Egg Farmers of Canada Research Chair in Poultry Welfare.

Business professor Jamie Gruman had an op-ed column published in the Globe & Mail Monday. Gruman’s column looks at the challenges that come with taking time off from work, and whether it's worth it to go on vacation. Gruman writes that vacations tend to have hiccups, and even those that go smoothly will only have a rejuvenating effect that lasts a couple of weeks.

Gruman is an expert in organizational behaviour and a founding member and chair of the Canadian Positive Psychology Association. He has consulted and delivered seminars for Fortune 500 corporations, public, and not-for-profit agencies.

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1